TreeClicks plants trees for free when you shop at one of the 40,000+ shops. Without making shopping more expensive. The trees are planted with the advertising income we receive when you shop at one of the partner shops. At no extra cost to you! How does it work? Register once (not mandatory) 2. TreeClicks is a Chrome & Firefox shopping extension that receives advertising fee for bringing you in as a customer and uses it for planting trees! Download TreeClicks here. It’s 100% free and you can download TreeClicks in less than one minute. Shop at more than 50.000 online stores. When you shop at one of the many, many online partner stores, TreeClicks receives a fee from bringing you in as a customer. TreeClicks uses this fee to plant trees all around the world.
It is currently raining on initiatives to reduce our CO2 emissions and limit our impact on climate change. Map google for mac os. That is not surprising, because we are all starting to notice the effects of climate change, in the form of, for example, more extreme weather and all its negative consequences. One of the most remarkable initiatives to combat climate change is TreeClicks. This website promises that you can contribute to the fight against climate change by shopping online. We figured out how that works and, more importantly, whether you should use TreeClicks.
Do something instead of let it
Swiss scientists published a sensational report in July 2019 with a refreshing view of climate change and what humanity could do to combat it. Their proposal had never been suggested before and made the newspapers worldwide: just plan one trillion trees and your CO2 problem is solved. Instead of reducing emissions, it was argued, we can also intervene rigorously and ensure that the excess carbon dioxide is reduced more quickly. And you need trees for that. So about one trillion, 1000,000,000,000 pieces (1000 billion, one million million… a lot!). The refreshing thing about this idea is that it is finally something we as humanity can do to do instead of leave. We have heard it countless times: fly less, drive less, eat less meat. In particular, we should no longer do a lot of things. But that doesn't always go well for us. We are often better at taking action. So plant trees! Ntfs for mac torrent el capitan.
Plant trees by shopping online
However, especially in large cities, there are no whole tribes with people who have such green fingers that they plant some twenty trees on their free Saturday. TreeClicks has, however, found a digital answer.
The concept: with every purchase you make online, in more than fifty thousand affiliated web shops, TreeClicks plants trees on your behalf. Sound strange? Maybe playful and creative, but it is very serious and works as follows. Audio recorder for mac os x. TreeClicks works via a plug-in that you install in your browser. Currently, Chrome and Firefox, two of the most used browsers, are supported. If you then visit one of the affiliated web stores - and the 'big' stores such as Amazon and naturally participate - and make a purchase there, that web store pays TreeClicks a small fee. This fee is then used by TreeClicks to plant trees.
Too good to be true?

That of course sounds too good to be true, just install a plug-in, order some things on and then act as if you are working sustainably. Why does that money come from at all? Why would a web store give up that reimbursement?
This is how it works: the TreeClicks plug-in does what an online advertisement (such as a banner) does on an external website. It gives the web store a sign that you have entered via an 'advertisement'. If this is the case, and you then proceed to make a purchase, the web store pays a small fee to the website that has introduced the customer, in this case the TreeClicks plug-in. It is the business model behind online advertising, but then a disguised form that is good for the climate.
Plant a tree yourself
Then we are ready, if everyone just installs TreeClicks? After all, we do enough shopping online. Unfortunately: we cannot solve the climate crisis with mere money. But TreeClicks is an incredibly sincere, noble concept that definitely deserves more imitation, so install the plug-in and tell your friends, family and colleagues. But we are not there yet. Euros don't plant trees, people still have to do that.
Do you really want to contribute to the fight against climate change? Then plant a tree yourself, because trees are healthy. Not only do they absorb CO2 to convert it into oxygen, they also provide shelter and offer numerous animals a place to build nests or to live. Every tree is a source of life and ensures an environment in which we humans can thrive. And is it too much work for you to plant trees? Then install at least TreeClicks!
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