Oct 09, 2020 Navigate to ManyCam menu ⇒ Settings/Preferences ⇒ Video and enable the resolutions you require. Most common resolutions for streaming are 720p and 1080p. How to select resolution in ManyCam You can select the resolution you need as shown in the image below. I'm trying to get ManyCam to switch to my FaceTime camera. It activates ManyCam, and makes sure the Cameras menu is expanded, and even makes FaceTime LOOK selected, but I can't get it to actually switch the input to FaceTime. If I get this working, I'll be able to write another one for a second input, and be able to switch between the two with speech commands.
Buy ManyCam Standard, Studio or Enterprise to enjoy all the features to enhance your livestream & video chat experiences: RTMP, screencasting, IP camera & more.
activateapplication'ManyCam' |
globaltargetPosition |
tellapplication'System Events'totellwindow1ofprocess'ManyCam' |
clickradio button'Sources'ofradio group1 |
localcameraGroupRow |
localcameraGroup |
localStillImageRow |
localclickme |
localclickmetoo |
tell scroll area of splitter group 1 |
click |
log'one' |
setcto entire contents |
setallElementstofirstitemin c |
log'twoe' |
logclassof allElements |
repeatwithelementin allElements |
log element's class&': '& element's value |
if element's classisoutlinethen |
log (nameofevery action of element) aslist |
log (nameofevery attribute of element) aslist |
end if |
-- make sure Cameras menu, and any others, are expanded. |
if element's classis UI element then |
if value of element's attribute 'AXValue'is equal to0then |
tell element to perform action 'AXPress' |
end if |
end if |
-- find row containing facetime |
if element's classis row then |
try |
setrowNameto value offirsttext field of element |
if rowName contains'FaceTime'then |
setclickmeto element |
setclickmetootofirsttext field of element |
end if |
get value of element's attribute 'AXChildren' |
setderp2toit |
end try |
end if |
end repeat |
end tell |
-- this is the only thing that seems to do anything |
tellapplication'System Events'to select clickme |
tellapplication'System Events'to select clickmetoo |
tellapplication'System Events'to click clickme |
tellapplication'System Events'to click clickmetoo |
settargetPositionto clickme's position |
setchildrento value of clickme's attribute 'AXChildren' |
log'target position of clickme: '& targetPosition |
log children |
clickat targetPosition |
-- here i try to send the click to the text field |
settargetPositionto clickmetoo's position |
setchildrento value of clickmetoo's attribute 'AXChildren' |
log children |
log'target position of clickmetoo: '& targetPosition |
clickat targetPosition |
-- this should create a slightly different position, |
-- but it doesn't. |
settargetTooto {(firstitemof targetPosition asnumber) +3, (seconditemof targetPosition asnumber) +3} |
log'add'l target position of clickmetoo: '& targetPosition |
clickat targetToo |
log derp2 |
log'end' |
end tell |

Manycam is a free application that provides a large set of webcam and video effects but also allows you to use your webcam with multiple applications simultaneously. You can broadcast your webcam at the same time on multiple programs that can use...full software details
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How To Use Manycam With Facetime
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