Test Affinity Publisher

The test version is now available to download. What does it do? Affinity Publisher is an all-new app which we believe will revolutionise desktop publishing in the same way Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer have shaken up professional photo editing and vector graphic design.

  1. The Basics of Affinity Publisher: So now that we understand composition rules and ideas and techniques that we can use to create really strong layout designs. Let's get started on getting more comfortable working in affinity publisher. So the first thing you're gonna wanna do is launch your affinity publisher app on your computer.
  2. Fluid publishing powerhouse. Optimised for the latest tech on Windows and Mac – and chosen by Apple as its Mac App of the Year – Affinity Publisher is the next generation of professional publishing software. From books, magazines and marketing materials, to social media templates, website mock-ups and more, this incredibly smooth, intuitive app gives you the power to combine your images, graphics.

Text objects contain both character and paragraph elements, making it easy to modify standard text attributes such as font, size, format, and alignment. Lightroom cc for mac crack. All text types have quick access settings on the context toolbar and supporting panels and dialogs for more extensive, advanced options.

When performing text editing, Publisher supports all standard text selection and formatting techniques and shortcuts.

The unique features of artistic text, frame text and path text are discussed in the Artistic text, Frame text, Text on a path and Shape text topics.

If you're opening Affinity documents or vector images created on a different computer to the one that you are using, the original fonts used may be missing from your computer. If so, you'll get a Missing Fonts warning indicating which fonts are missing. The font will be substituted for a replacement system font.

When text using the missing font is selected in your publication, its font name will be prefixed with a '?' on the context toolbar.


You can source the original fonts yourself or use Document>Font Manager to substitute for a preferred font.

When opening a document which uses a downloadable font (not installed locally in macOS by default), you'll get a prompt to download it—simply click Download to install to macOS. Affinity Publisher will then use the installed font as it would with any other font.

If you're designing before full copy has been written, you can use placeholder (filler) text within your text frames to help you progress with your project. Filler text can be inserted from the Text menu.


Related behaviors can be adjusted from the app's preferences:

Affinity Publisher Test Version

  • General>Insert filler text as text
  • Filler Text
It’s the final piece of the jigsaw for the Affinity trio of creative apps

From the earliest days of visualising the Affinity range, we planned an unrivalled trio of sleek, super-modern apps created to work with the latest technology—ultra-fast, with stunning power and completely stripped of bloat.

That vision comes a step closer to completion with the launch of our desktop publishing app Affinity Publisher in a free public beta.

Affinity Publisher is the result of thousands of hours of development time dedicated by the multi-award-winning team at our UK headquarters.

And we’re inviting you to play an influential role in shaping the first retail release, expected around the end of the year.

Can I get the beta?


The free public beta is open to anyone, as long as your computer meets the system requirements.

You can download and test the pre-release version of the app now, from our store or find out more about the app on our website

What does it do?

Affinity Publisher is an all-new app which we believe will revolutionise desktop publishing in the same way Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer have shaken up professional photo editing and vector graphic design.

Key desktop publishing capabilities built into Affinity Publisher include:

  • Advanced typography
  • Linked text frames
  • Master pages
  • Facing page spreads
  • Dynamic photo frames
  • Tables
  • Baseline grids
  • Linked resources
  • End-to-end CMYK

We’ve also produced some tutorial videos to get you started—you’ll find these in the app.

I have Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo, will they work together?

Uniquely, Affinity Publisher will boast full integration with Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo.That means if you own all three apps, you’ll be able to edit vector designs and images right there within one app, in a stunning new way.

Early users will see buttons to switch to Photo and Designer within Affinity Publisher, though these won’t be activated until later in the beta period.

Great, I have a project I need to finish!

Affinity Publisher Manual

Woooahh, there! This is still a beta, so there will still be bugs and areas of the app which are not yet fully polished. We definitely don’t recommend you use it for any important production work yet.

Uh-oh, I spotted a bug

We’re relying on beta users to let us know what works and what doesn’t. If there are bugs, or any features that you think need adding, let us know. Even if we don’t get them in before we release version 1, you can expect plenty of free updates to come, just like with our other apps.

We have set up a dedicated forum where beta users are encouraged to share your feedback, suggestions and requests, at affin.co/publisherbetaforum.

Can I get it on my iPad?

The beta version of Affinity Publisher is for Mac and Windows only. After launch, the app will follow later on iPad—as with Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo, Apple’s reigning iPad App of the Year.

And although the beta is available with English UI only, other languages will be available by the time of the retail launch.

Shut up and take my money!

We totally get that not everyone wants to take part in the beta period, and many more of you are excited to buy the full app.

Affinity Publisher For Ios

Rest assured we’ll be bringing you more information about the launch of Affinity Publisher as it gets closer to going on sale. So keep an eye on Affinity Spotlight as well as our social media channels, or sign up for our newsletter.