Number Of Valence Electrons In Oxygen

  1. Number Of Valence Electrons In Oxygen Ion
  2. Oxygen Atom Valence Electrons
  3. Number Of Valence Electrons In Oxygen
  4. Valence Electrons In O2

O2 gas doesn't have any valance electrons. Two oxygen atoms are bound covalently to get rid of valency and form O2 gas. If we take an oxygen atom it has 6 valence electrons. Oxygen is in 6th column. The number of electrons in each. The number of valence electrons. Examples: oxygen Group 16 (6 VE) sodium Group 1 (1 VE) Representative Elements.

Electron Configuration

The electrons in an atom fill up its atomic orbitals according to the Aufbau Principle; 'Aufbau,' in German, means 'building up.' The Aufbau Principle, which incorporates the Pauli Exclusion Principle and Hund's Rule prescribes a few simple rules to determine the order in which electrons fill atomic orbitals:

  1. Electrons always fill orbitals of lower energy first. 1s is filled before 2s, and 2s before 2p.
  2. The Pauli Exclusion Principle states no two electrons within a particular atom can have identical quantum numbers. In function, this principle means that if two electrons occupy the same orbital, they must have opposite spin.
  3. Hund's Rule states that when an electron joins an atom and has to choose between two or more orbitals of the same energy, the electron will prefer to enter an empty orbital rather than one already occupied. As more electrons are added to the atom, these electrons tend to half-fill orbitals of the same energy before pairing with existing electrons to fill orbitals.

Valency and Valence Electrons

Number of valence electrons list

The outermost orbital shell of an atom is called its valence shell, and the electrons in the valence shell are valence electrons. Valence electrons are the highest energy electrons in an atom and are therefore the most reactive. While inner electrons (those not in the valence shell) typically don't participate in chemical bonding and reactions, valence electrons can be gained, lost, or shared to form chemical bonds. For this reason, elements with the same number of valence electrons tend to have similar chemical properties, since they tend to gain, lose, or share valence electrons in the same way. The Periodic Table was designed with this feature in mind. Each element has a number of valence electrons equal to its group number on the Periodic Table. This table illustrates a number of interesting, and complicating, features of electron configuration.

Number Of Valence Electrons In Oxygen Ion

Number of valence electrons in oxygen family

First, as electrons become higher in energy, a shift takes place. Up until now, we have said that as the principle quantum number, increases, so does the energy level of the orbital. And, as we stated above in the Aufbau principle, electrons fill lower energy orbitals before filling higher energy orbitals. However, the diagram above clearly shows that the 4s orbital is filled before the 3d orbital. In other words, once we get to principle quantum number 3, the highest subshells of the lower quantum numbers eclipse in energy the lowest subshells of higher quantum numbers: 3d is of higher energy than 4s.

Second, the above indicates a method of describing an element according to its electron configuration. As you move from left to right across the periodic table, the above diagram shows the order in which orbitals are filled. If we were the actually break down the above diagram into groups rather than the blocks we have, it would show how exactly how many electrons each element has. For example, the element of hydrogen, located in the uppermost left-hand corner of the periodic table, is described as 1s1, with the s describing which orbital contains electrons and the 1 describing how many electrons reside in that orbital. Lithium, which resides on the periodic table just below hydrogen, would be described as 1s22s1. The electron configurations of the first ten elements are shown below (note that the valence electrons are the electron in highest energy shell, not just the electrons in the highest energy subshell).

The Octet Rule

Our discussion of valence electron configurations leads us to one of the cardinal tenets of chemical bonding, the octet rule. The octet rule states that atoms becomeespecially stable when their valence shells gain a full complement of valence electrons. For example, in above, Helium (He) and Neon (Ne) have outer valence shells that are completely filled, so neither has a tendency to gain or lose electrons. Therefore, Helium and Neon, two of the so-called Noble gases, exist in free atomic form and do not usually form chemical bonds with other atoms.

Oxygen atom valence electrons

Oxygen Atom Valence Electrons

Most elements, however, do not have a full outer shell and are too unstable to exist as free atoms. Instead they seek to fill their outer electron shells by forming chemical bonds with other atoms and thereby attain Noble Gas configuration. An element will tend to take the shortest path to achieving Noble Gas configuration, whether that means gaining or losing one electron. For example, sodium (Na), which has a single electron in its outer 3s orbital, can lose that electron to attain the electron configuration of neon. Chlorine, with seven valence electrons, can gain one electron to attain the configuration of argon. When two different elements have the same electron configuration, they are called isoelectronic.

Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism

The electron configuration of an atom also has consequences on its behavior in relation to magnetic fields. Such behavior is dependent on the number of electrons an atom has that are spin paired. Remember that Hund's Rule and the Pauli Exclusion Principle combine to dictate that an atom's orbitals will all half-fill before beginning to completely fill, and that when they completely fill with two electrons, those two electrons will have opposite spins.

Number Of Valence Electrons In Oxygen

An atom with all of its orbitals filled, and therefore all of its electrons paired with an electron of opposite spin, will be very little affected by magnetic fields. Such atoms are called diagmetic. Conversely, paramagnetic atoms do not have all of their electrons spin-paired and are affected by magnetic fields. There are degrees of paramagnetism, since an atom might have one unpaired electron, or it might have four.

Valence Electrons In O2

Valence Electrons and Lewis Electron Dots of Atoms and Ions

G.N. Lewis, at the University of California at Berkeley devised a simple way to understand the nature of the chemical bond in both ionic and molecular compounds. His method rests upon focusing on the valence electrons of the elements. He represents these valence electrons as 'dots' around the four sides of the elemental symbol.
Depending on how your teacher was taught, this may be slightly different. The first 2 valence electron go together (I was taught to place them on top), then one on each side going clockwise (3 o'clock, 6 o'clock then 9 o'clock).
Then doubling up going clockwise (3 o'clock, 6 o'clock then 9 o'clock). If you have 5 valence electrons as Nitrogen does, stop after 5 dots.
This order can be explained with the Auf Bau Principle and Hunds Rule.

Kernal- Represented by the symbol. It is the nucleus and the inner electrons of an atom or ion

Valence Electrons- Represented by the dots. The electrons in the outer most energy level of an atom or ion.

Now take this number and place a dot for each valence electron.

Oxygen gets 6 dots.

Chlorine gets 7 dots.

NOTE****There is an order we fill the dots.

The first 2 go together (I was taught to start on top, so teachers start on the side), then you place one on each side before pairing them up.

So it looks like this, depending on how many valence electrons we have.

Real Examples


Ions have charges [and brackets].

A full octet of electrons (8 dots) is a stable configuration. Oxygen would need 2 more electrons to be stable. Well that is what it does. Takes 2 electrons and becomes stable. It now has a 2- charge.

Metal ions are a little different. They get to 8 electrons by losing their valence electrons and using the full inner electron level.

Gifs for mac. It will have no dots, and a positive charge. Al had 3 valence electrons and loses them all. It will have a 3+ charge and look like this.

So for Ions, metal ions have no valence electrons and the nonmetal will have 8.

Metal are losers and are positive. Nonmetals gain and are negative.

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