Open a Club With Us in Your Local Market
We love this business and we get calls all the time asking how we got into this business, how did we find our bars and build them out, how we price everything and generally what we do and how we do it. And then comes the money question ... no pun intended. Everyone wants to know how the numbers work and if this is a viable business.
Mobile Bar Business Names

Mobile Bar Business For Sale Uk
Our mobile bars have been designed with ease of use in mind. Each bar can be set up in as little as 30 seconds! All of our portable bars are made of durable yet lightweight aluminum and only weigh between 80 and 110 lbs vs. Some of our competitors which can weigh up to 350 lbs. This simply means that mobile bar business has become very popular as well. Usually, this business is started by restaurants and pubs that already have a license to sell drinks and food on the streets or anywhere legal. But if you want to start this kind of business, you can.
A vintage mobile bar business is a great one. Weddings alone, nationwide over two million couples get married. A new audience year over year to engage with. Your earning potential is only limited by how many days a week you want to put the bars to work. Weekday corporate events, private parties, graduations ... you name it. Mobile bars have the opportunity to be a seven-day a week opportunity. You set your schedule and determine your income.

We are actively looking for Operating Partners in markets we do not currently service. The minimum investment required to open a new market is $50K. For those seriously interested in the joining the team we are happy to share an inside look into our success and what the opportunity in your market may look like.
Mobile Bar Business For Sale

Mobile Bar Business Names
We make it simple. We bring everything to the table that works and adapt it for your market to fast track the business. This includes a Piaggio Ape, caravan or other unique bars we build from scratch based on our award winning designs. Complete with our brand, creative, nation-wide coverage, pricing and marketing assets, you have all the elements to hit the ground running day-one. Going this route lowers your initial investment, puts you in the driver's seat with unlimited upside.
Can you go full tilt DIY? Sure, but please be careful when looking at reproduction vintage caravans, retrofitting old campers or importing Piaggio Apes. There are a lot of unknowns, rusty frames, bad axels, leaking roofs, not to mention shady characters and frightening workmanship out there (just ask us for pictures of our wreck and why we started building these ourselves). Some fun facts, new aluminum skins for a roof and siding will cost you nearly $3K in material alone. Add labor to tear off the old skins, installing the new and trim it out. All-in, you are easily looking at $5-7K.