Phpstorm Drupal 9

Phpstorm drupal 8

Drupal 8 & 9 Tutorial: a Method to Group Fields in Layout Builder Using Ctools Entity View I've been building Drupal 8 sites with Layout Builder and one feature that I think is missing is the ability to group specific fields inside a wrapper for enhanced theming; a layout within a layout if you will. To install a Drupal website with default values execute the script in PhpStorm (mark, then press Ctrl+Shift+F10). This will download Drupal if necessary, create a database if necessary, install Drupal within this database and open the site in your browser.


Phpstorm Drupal 9 Download

Phpstorm Drupal 9Phpstorm Drupal 9

Phpstorm Drupal 8

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PHP InspectionsFeatureWI-49520New inspection: Unnecessary double quotes
PHP InterpretersBugWI-56680Can't use Browse button for SSH PHP interpreter
PHP Quality ToolsBugWI-56216PHPStan and Psalm stop on timeout too early
Plugin: Drupal supportExceptionWI-56799NPE when generate drupal module for drupal 9
Plugin: PHPStanBugWI-56623PHPStan error highlighting in editor starts with an offset
Plugin: PsalmFeatureWI-56040Support non-empty-list type
FeatureWI-56045Support positive-int type
FeatureWI-56037Support iterable type
FeatureWI-55920Consider functions with no-return, never-return and never-returns as exit functions
FeatureWI-55914Support advanced callables
BugWI-55981Support non-empty-string
BugWI-56526array<class-string<>> is inferred as string instead of string[]
BugWI-56764Type of key depends on the value's type although it shouldn't in multi-dimensional array
BugWI-55922Type already exists in PHPDoc tag: Parametrized with different classes types are reported as identical
Core. IDE SettingsTaskIDEA-253638Add an API to prioritize configurables within a group in code style settings
Core. IDE Settings. SharingBugIDEA-253846Can't set up IDE settings sync
Core. IndexingTaskIDEA-252012Group indexing diagnostics per project
Core. LicensingBugIDEA-254049License source is changed after the IDE restart
Core. Plugin ManagementBugIDEA-254029Issues after unloading Maven plugin by disabling it for project
Core. Project SettingsBugIDEA-254157Sometimes VfsUtilCore.copyFile adds an extra bom to the new file
BugIDEA-253040IDEA does not recognise a module, but it is present in modules.xml
ExceptionIDEA-189132Throwable at com.intellij.openapi.roots.ui.configuration.ModulesConfigurator.getOrCreateModuleEditor
ExceptionIDEA-253686It's not possible to create a new project at location which was used for another project
Core. Run. TargetsFeatureIDEA-251763Provide browsers from browsable targets to run configurations
BugIDEA-253695Run Targets: rsync test connection asks for ssh server password, but it is provided
BugIDEA-248370Show an error when no runtime is configured
BugIDEA-253810Run targets. Docker. Creation via Settings: it doesn't take the set 'language runtime' and doesn't run container introspection
BugIDEA-253090Run Targets: Get Maven exception after choosing several targets in maven configuration
BugIDEA-253369Run Targets. Docker. Build args are ignored.
BugIDEA-252405Run Targets: Can't configure maven home for docker run target
BugIDEA-253797Docker. Run Targets. Copy a docker target action creates a new target without a name and doesn't copy language values
BugIDEA-253362Run Targets. Docker. Add validation for 'Run options' field as it for Docker run configs
UsabilityIDEA-253274Run Targets: SSH: provide possibility to select the Maven home path on the remote machine using the path chooser
UsabilityIDEA-253334Run Targets. RunConfigs->Manage targets. Add Apply button.
CosmeticsIDEA-253693Run Targets: rsync connected message not visible in dark theme
CosmeticsIDEA-254006Run Targets. Docker. Create via Settings: the 3d step name is present only as `3/3.` instead of `3/3. Configure Java`
TaskIDEA-252711Run Targets: targets should be project-level
Core. SSHBugIDEA-253287SSH password requests are not cancellable.
EditorFeatureIDEA-252707Soft wrap in lightedit
User InterfaceBugIDEA-253839Big Sur: Custom alerts are invoked instead of native
BugIDEA-252781Window titles are light in Darcula, when reopening IDEA with 2 projects
CosmeticsIDEA-250519grammatical & typographic errors in notification
TaskIDEA-252636What's new in Editor
User Interface. AccessibilityBugIDEA-253342On `Settings | Appearance and Behavior | System Settings`, the NVDA screen reader doesn't speak the 'Database' when navigated to the 'Database:'s edit view by using tab
BugIDEA-253340Two buttons in `Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars` are not spoken by NVDA screen reader
User Interface. FocusBugIDEA-190158Typeahead timeout exception if same shortcut is assigned to multiple actions (Find and Find in Path, or similar case with Goto Class)
Version ControlBugIDEA-252307Rebase modal no longer stores previously selected ref or options
BugIDEA-231698Non-modal commit: Author field is not shown inline
BugIDEA-252549Double click on change in commit tab no longer shows inline diff window
Version Control. GitBugIDEA-253313Can't commit staged deletion
UsabilityIDEA-253485Git Staging Area: Vertical scrollbar covers plus/minus icons
UsabilityIDEA-251554Pull-dialog: suggests pulling from the last entered branch, instead from tracked branch
Version Control. GitHubBugIDEA-243134Clone Dialog -> GitHub: Infinite wait if pressing 'Log In' with all fields empty
Version Control. LogTaskIDEA-252476Create color key for hovered line in the Log table
DB IntrospectionBugDBE-11870Problem refreshing DB connection on old SQL server databases
Data ViewsBugDBE-11839IDE windows/tab system freaks out when database results are dragged to new windows
No subsystemBugWEB-48044Create React component quick fix for qualified references shouldn't be available
PerformanceWEB-44334Minute-long freeze when starting to type inside large mixed php file
ExceptionWEB-47780Throwable at com.intellij.psi.impl.SharedPsiElementImplUtil.getChildIndex
Build toolsUsabilityWEB-36182webpack aliases are not resolved correctly when config is exported as function
JavaScriptBugWEB-48031Go to usages (cmd/ctrl+click) doesn't work with enabled flow service
JavaScript. FrameworksFeatureWEB-46511Vue 3: Support <script setup>
FeatureWEB-48010Import prettier rules with ESLint
ExceptionWEB-47998'Convert to visible line separators' causes 'nonempty text is not covered by block in #Vue #formatter'
JavaScript. InspectionsBugWEB-46999Common.js imports with require are not suggested in quick fixes
TypeScriptBugWEB-44282Importing an external function that is only used as a variable's declaration is detected as unused
BugWEB-47803Multiple candidates for the same type variable in contra-variant positions isn't inferred to an intersection type
TaskWEB-48001Remove options 'Use for projects without tsconfig.json' and 'Compile scope' in the TypeScript language server configuration
ExceptionWEB-48034Code with Variadic tuple types causes an exception