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Are you interested in special visual effects or VFX software? We are evaluating the top 7 VFX software available for download and will let you know the unique features in each of them. It is used to create video and television content with special effects like digital animation. The software is available for free as well as a price. Let us now look at the main features to help you choose a VFX. VFX Box 20112674 Videohive - Free After Effects TemplateAdd-on Files Included.ffx,.mov, jsxbin No Plugins Resizable 5.3 Gb PACKAGE INCLUDE:225 OVERLAYS:40 smoke elements35 bokeh ele. All I can say is wow. Flomotion is back again with another amazing tutorial, and it seems like his work just keeps on getting better. This time, he shows us how to do this amazing face morph effect using After Effects, that produces this stunning effect, and is sure to add some fire to your arsenal of motion design and VFX projects.
Get 15 free explosion elements and 25 explosive sound effects for your next video.
Whether you are shooting an action scene or promoting a company’s big fire sale, these free fiery explosions and SFX are perfect for video editors and motion designers.
These free explosion sound effects and video elements work in nearly every NLE, including Premiere Pro, FCPX, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, and more!
Download Detonate: 40 Free Explosion SFX and VFX
To download these 40 free SFX and explosion elements, click the button below. These SFX and VFX are free to use in any personal or commercial projects. By downloading, you agree not to resell or redistribute these free assets.
What Do You Get?
With this free pack of 40 explosion elements, you’ll get all of the following.

15 Free Explosion VFX:

- Canon Blasts
- Fireballs
- Groundblast
- Oil Rig Fire
- Large Plumes
- Shockwave
- Smoke

25 Free Explosion SFX:
- Blasts
- Bombs
- Mine Explosions
- Grenades
Want real explosions?
RocketStock has also released their own Detonate pack with over 50 real explosions captured in 6K. The elements were shot on set using cutting-edge RED cameras and Zeiss Master Prime lenses. The results are truly epic, with the largest explosion reaching 200 feet.
After Effects Vfx Free Download
Bonus: 3 More Free SFX Packs from
Looking for more sound effects for you next project? On top of these other free SFX packs, be sure to check out our curated collection of SFX.
20 Free Movie Trailer SFX
Download the FREETrailer Construction Kit (Lite Version) from PremiumBeat. Inject your trailers with high-quality Hollywood-style SFX. Our music and video team handpicked 20 “action trailer” sound effects for thisfree pack: sweeps, risers, slams, and intense atmospheres.
You can get the 20 Free Movie Trailer SFX here.
SCI-FI UI: 29 FREE Futuristic Computer and HUD Sound Effects
Working with futuristic computers or HUDs in your next project? Download this pack of 29 FREE Sci-Fi UI SFX. Perfect to accentuate your techno-future operating systems or interfaces. If you need HUD elements and digital display elements too, be sure to check our RocketStock’s Interface pack with over 400 overlays and video elements.
You can get the 29 free Sci-Fi UI SFX here.
15 Free Ambient Noise SFX
Need help setting a scene? This ambient noise tracks are the perfect background SFX for creating a rich atmosphere. From busy street traffic to forests and deserts, these 15 free SFX are perfect for you next project.
Adobe Ae Vfx

After Effects Vfx
You can get the 15 Free Ambient Noise SFX here.